Jungu Kang
linguist | photo hobbyist
Syntax / Phonology
University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC)
I am currently a PhD student at University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC).
I am interested in investigating the mapping between phonology and syntax; being able to find a link between the two is what I believe would be the concrete evidence supporting the existence of a more abstract system of human language that is shared amongst people.
Fields and subjects of interest
- Syntax
- Phonology
- Fieldworks
- DOMs and PNIs
- Tamang VP Ellipsis
- Korean NPI licensing
- Korean wh-question and prosody

Project I
Are case-marked nouns and bare nouns actually identical?
What are some ways that nouns seem to behave different according to contexts?
In this project (with Michael Barrie), I focus on how the prosodic cues in the spoken languages can actually
serve as an gateway to understanding a possible reduction in the nominal realms.
Languages in question
- Mongolian
- Uzbek
Syntax, Phonology, SPI
2020 - current
Project II
How does wh-elements interact with the CP layer?
If elements' position is not fixed and can be scrambled freely, how do we account for the licensing of this
wh-element with the C head?
In this project, with Heeryun Chung, we investigate the possibility of prosodic licensing of wh-elements in
Languages in question
- Korean
Syntax, Phonology, SPI
2021 - current
Project III
Korean seems to allow for licensing of nominals in the grammatical subject position of the embedded CP position
via a negation in the matrix clause; embedded objects, on the other hand, is not allowed.
Why is this asymmtery happneing? What is its implications in terms of utterance, structure, and meaning?
With Dahoon Kim and Heesun Yeom, we investigate this NPI licensing issue in Korean comprehensively, spanning all
aspects from phonology, syntax to semantics.
Language in question
- Korean
Syntax, Phonology, SPI, Semantics, Focus
2021 - current
Project IV
VP Ellipsis in Tamang
Tamang is an indigenous language from Nepal, and seems to showcase interesting characteristics regarding VP
With Michael Barrie and Kyunghwan Kwon, we investigate this issue in Tamang.
Language in question
- Tamang
2022 - current
A list of papers, theses, presentations, and proceedings...
Prosodic licensing in Korean wh-questions: De-phrasing and pitch reduction (with Heeryun Chung)
Linguistic Research. 21: 607-646.
Criteria for wh-element prosody in Korean interrogatives.
(with Heeryun Chung)
ICU Working Papers in Linguistics (ICUWPL), 18(2022. 3):81-87.
VP ellipsis in Eastern Tamang. (with Michael Barrie)
Proceedings of Korean Generative Grammar Circle 2022 Spring Joint Meeting, Junbuk National University, Jinju, South Korea, May 19 : 64-75.
Prosody and nominal structure in Uzbek.
ICU Working Papers in Linguistics (ICUWPL), 18(2022.3): 81-87.
Prosody and Bare Nouns in Mongolian.
(with Michael Barrie)
Proceedings of the 22nd Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar (SICOGG 22): 38-47.
NPI Licensing in the Semi-Transparent Area.
(with Dahoon Kim and Heesun Yeom)
32nd Conference of the Student Organisation of Linguistics in Europe (CONSOLE 32), London UK, January 17, 2024.
NEG Raising and NPI Licensing in Korean.
(with Dahoon Kim and Heesun Yeom)
17th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL 17), Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, September 27, 2023.
Null arguments and verb movement in Tamang.
(with Michael Barrie and
Kyeonghwan Kwon)
The 13th Workshop on Theoretical East Asian Linguistics (TEAL13), Taipei, Taiwan, May 14, 2023.
Criteria for Forming an AP boundary in Korean: Focusing on WH-elements.
Sogang-Sanata Dharma Joint Conference, Yogyakarta, lndonesia, Feb 6, 2023.
The correlation between word order of wh-elements and tonal contour.
Heeryun Chung)
Asian Junior Linguistics 7(AJL7), lnternational Christian University, Tokyo, Japan, Dec 10-12, 2022.
VP Ellipsis in Tamang. (with Michael Barrie)
42th Annual Conference of Linguistic Society of Nepal, Kathmandu, Nepal, Nov 26-27, 2022.
Prosody and bare nouns in Mongolian.
(with Michael Barrie)
Linguistic Society of America 2021 (LSA2021), Jan 7-10, 2021. virtual conference.
NPI Licensing in the Semi-Transparent Area.
(with Heesun Yeom and Dahoon Kim)
LSA 2024 Annual Meeting, New York City USA, January 6, 2024.
Prosodic evidence for reduced nominals in Uzbek.
17th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL 17), Ulaanbaatar Mongolia, September 27 2023.
Prosodic spell out of nominals in Mongolian.
(with Michael Barrie)
Canadian Linguistics Association 2021 (CLA 2021), June 4-7, virtual conference.
Off-Tangent now has it's own site! It has gone off-tangent (literally)!
Thank you! :D
Thank you for visiting my site!
This site was built on my own with sticks and stones...
The bad part? It's broken.
The good part? I can try to fix it (at least)